SSL on Windows?
Chris Pepper
2002-06-20 19:26:02 UTC

I wanted to create a cert in httpd 2.0.39 under Windows 2k,
but the docs don't seem to have been updated from UNIX-only mod_ssl.
In particular,
<http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.0/ssl/ssl_faq.html#ToC24> assumes the
presence of an openssl binary. I'm used to doing this stuff with
mod_ssl's or Red Hat's Makefile when available, or openssl commands
(as described in the docs) otherwise, but Apache2 doesn't seem to
provide either openssl or a makefile, and of course this system
doesn't have a C compiler or make command.

Have any of you found a way to generate CSRs for httpd 2 in
Windows? I'd like to find a working solution, so I can use and
document it.

Alternatively, should I just be using "make certificate" on a
UNIX system, then copying over the .crt & .key files and configuring
them into httpd.conf? Has anyone tested this?


Chris Pepper
Chris Pepper: <http://www.reppep.com/~pepper/>
Rockefeller University: <http://www.rockefeller.edu/>
Lars Eilebrecht
2002-06-20 19:38:21 UTC
Please got to http://httpd.apache.org/userslist.html

The docs list is not as support mailing list.

Lars Eilebrecht
Chris Pepper
2002-06-21 03:19:08 UTC
Post by Lars Eilebrecht
Please got to http://httpd.apache.org/userslist.html
The docs list is not as support mailing list.

Then please take this as a bug report (there's no
documentation on generating CSRs in Windows). I've re-asked on the
users list, and will put whatever I get back into the docs.

Chris Pepper
PS-I got 'make certificate' from the mod_ssl (1.3) docs, not docs-2.0.
Chris Pepper: <http://www.reppep.com/~pepper/>
Rockefeller University: <http://www.rockefeller.edu/>
Cliff Woolley
2002-06-20 19:40:26 UTC
Post by Chris Pepper
Alternatively, should I just be using "make certificate" on a
UNIX system, then copying over the .crt & .key files and configuring
them into httpd.conf? Has anyone tested this?
There is no "make certificate" on UNIX anymore. I thought we expunged
that from the docs. Where did you find a reference to it?
